The Unique Human Design Chart Calculator You Deserve!

The Human Design BASICS Explained
Here you will find illustrations and descriptions of the basics of human design. Take your time and read through what I have written for you. If you don't have the time and just want your unique Human Design Chart explained, then you can book a Reading with me here.
In this illustrated guide for the Human Design Chart from you have basic info explained.The Design Side
You can see very well that the red side is called "design" and is related to the body. It is what others see in you and what you are unaware of. It is the tunnels in which magic happens that you can only recognize retrospectively.The Personality Side
On the right side we have the personality, all in black. This is related to your mind, but also to your psychology. It is what you think you are. It is what you can consciously identify about yourself.Astrological Symbols
In addition, you can very well recognize which of the astrological symbols is assigned to which planet or celestial aspect. Be aware that the sun and the earth already make up 70% of your being.Hexagrams & Gates
What we can also see here are the numbers which we call gates or hexgrams. These are fixed potentials, aspects imprinted by the planets at your birth. Behind each gate is a "dot" and behind it another number. The number behind the gates is called a line. There are 6 lines for each gate. Behind the line you can see from time to time a triangle looking up or down or both at the same time. This is an indication of a fixation of the line - because these are also binary. if the triangle looks down, the line is in detriment. if it looks up, it is in exaltation. None of these is better or worse. By the way, a gate can be dormant if it is hanging from an open center, or actively hanging if it is hanging from a defined center.Centers
A center is an energy hub that brings context, represents a kind of life dimension, and transmutes the inherent energies. A center can be defined consciously or unconsciously - thus colored. There are completely open centers, without any activation, and there are undefined centers, where at least one activation is present.Defintion / Channels
For there to be a definition, i.e. a minimum of 2 defined centers, a channel must be defined. Please note that a channel has nothing to do with the gates. Here the principle of "the sum is greater than its parts" applies. Of course we have unconscious channels and conscious channels, where life-force is constantly flowing. And we can also recognize open channels, where we are receptive for specific energetics. Open does not mean empty! Open centers receive energy and amplify it. Therefore, we also find the not-self themes mainly in the open centers.If you want to learn more about the basics and want to go deeper you can read those in-depth articles I wrote for you:
The 4 Types in Human Design
Now that we have heard about the different elements in the Human Design Chart, I would like to briefly discuss the 4 different Types.Hint: We often find the statement on the internet that there are 5 types and we also often hear the term energy types - please note that this is incorrect.

Type = AuraThe most important thing to understand is that Type describes the aura, the energy field that is in constant contact with our environment and interacts with it. Aura is a concept that should be familiar to many, but in Human Design there are four different auras - whereby ultimately everyone has a very unique aura. Our energy field has a size of about 2-3 arm lengths in all directions around us, like a sphere. An aura cannot be blocked by anything and even goes through the walls of your house. If we live our Type, then we don't have to fear and protect ourselves, because we will face exactly the things aurally that is correct for us.Energy & Awarenes TypesThe Manifestor and Generator are considered Energy Types because they both have a motor definition for either generating or manifesting; what gives them consistent access to the use and application of energy.The Projector and Reflector are referred to as Non-energy Types because they either have no motor definition at all or if they have a motor definition they can’t use it for generating or manifesting. I also like to call them Awareness Types.The 4 Types - Overview:Generator Aura: Open & Enveloping
It’s open, attracting and enveloping. Literally takes in everything. An aura that can’t close. It’s receptive to and embracing it all. Others experience this as engaging & accessible people.Projector Aura: Focusing & Absorbing
It’s focused, penetrating and absorbing. Focused with a laser like quality on the G of the other. Can only focus on one person at a time. Gives powerful attention but can feel uncomfortable. An
Aura to see the other person clearly.Manifestor Aura: Closed & Repelling
It’s closed, dense and repelling. Not a welcoming aura. No matter how friendly & open a Manifestor may try to be, people cannot get very close - can not get in. Their aura is designed to keep other aura types away (because they are not here to be influenced).Aura: Resistant & Sampling
It’s resistant, teflon-like and sampling. Not so much vulnerable to the conditioning influence of other people. Designed to only let in small samples of information or energy. Samples and reflects the health of their community / environment.

Distortion & Resistance
For all Types, the experience of resistance is a key sign post for recognising that the Not-Self mind is trying to control life.There’s a specific kind of resistance which serves as a signpost for each type called Not-Self Theme:• For the Manifestor it is Anger
• For the Generator it is Frustration
• For the Projector it is Bitterness
• For the Reflector it is DisappointmentIt’s important to notice those moments of resistance because they’re a clear indication that the Not-Self is in control. It happens when the mind tries to make decisions & direct life according to its distorted & conditioned viewpoint. The continual process of meeting resistance in life puts great wear and tear on the body and it negatively impacts the personality as well.The Unique Strategy
The Strategy represents being in the world without resistance - a way that aligns us with our unique geometry in the overall flow of the totality, and supports the process of becoming our authentic self. Each Aura Type has a specific Strategy that can be followed.Manifestors: Inform before taking action. This reduces resistance and conflict, allows to use their initiating energy with great impact.Generators: Respond to life. This ensures that they use their energy in satisfying and correct ways - establishes contentment.Projectors: Wait for the invitation (and the recognition). This helps to display the natural talent for guiding others efficiently.Reflectors: Wait a lunar cycle (28.5 Days). This ensures that they have the time to process their experiences before making major decisions, allowing them to gain clarity and perspective.The Signature & Natural StateSignature is a unique state or sensation that indicates you are living in alignment with your true nature. It's like a positive feedback signal from life, showing you're on the right path. For each type, this signature is different.The Signature of the Manifestor is Peace - being in a place of no resistance.
The Signature of the Generator is Satisfaction - being content in what they do.
The Signature of the Projector is Success - non-energy is no longer an issue.
The Signature of the Reflector is Surprise - this means to be in awe & wonder.
The 9 Centers in Human DesignIn the graphic above you can see the Human Design Bodygraph with the nine different centers. These are like HUBS that guide and process energy - each with its own theme or quality. Understanding the centers is the first really useful task if you want to benefit from Human Design.By the way if you want that graphic as a poster you can just click on the image and will be redirected to a shop where you can buy it.As already described, there are undefined (open) and defined centers. An open center will always be receptive and amplify the theme of the center (if it comes from outside and is identified with it). A defined center is constant and reliable.Head Center - 70% Undefined
The Center of Mental Pressure to fuel the thinking process.
Theme: Inspiration.
Undefined Not-Self Strategy: Thinking about things that do not matter.Ajna - 52% Undefined
The Center of Mental Awareness that enables self-reflection & thinking.
Theme: Conceptualization.
Undefined Not-Self Strategy: Pretending to be mentally certain.Throat - 28% Undefined
The Center of Vocal Expression and Action.
Theme: Manifestation.
Undefined Not-Self Strategy: Trying to attract attention.G Center - 43% Undefined
The Center of Self, Love and Direction.
Theme: Identity.
Undefined Not-Self Strategy: Looking for love, direction & identity.Heart - 63% Undefined
The Center of Willpower & Seat of the Ego.
Theme: Material World.
Undefined Not-Self Strategy: Trying to prove one's own worth.Sacral - 35% Undefined
The Center of Life Force & Availability.
Theme: Vitality.
Undefined Not-Self Strategy: Not knowing when enough is enough.Spleen - 44% Undefined
The Center of Body Awareness for Survival.
Theme: Well-Being.
Undefined Not-Self Strategy: Holding on to things that aren’t good for oneself.Solar Plexus Center - 47% Undefined
The Center of Emotional Awareness in Mutation (Waves).
Theme: Feelings/Emotions.
Undefined Not-Self Strategy: Avoiding confrontation and truth.Root - 38% Undefined
The Center of Existential Pressure / Drive.
Theme: Stress.
Undefined Not-Self Strategy: Being in a hurry to get rid of pressure.If you want to get to know more about the center you can listen to this Audio:
The Human Design Substructre

This second illustrated infographic explains what the substructure in Human Design is all about.Once we have grasped the surface of the Human Design Bodygraph, we see that there are clearly more aspects that have not yet been discussed. In the graphic above, you can see four aspects that can be extremely valuable for understanding your chart.Variables
Those four aspects can be combined through the Tones and are called Variables - those are the 16 different Arrow configurations that can be displayed in a chart. Where a left looking arrow is always connected to the themes of active, focussed and strategic and the right looking arrow is always connected to themes of passive, peripher and receptive.Digestion
Starting at the top left (red side) we see PHS Internal, or Dietary Regimen, which tells us how a person is best nourished. In other words, the substructure, color and tone can be used to determine firstly whether the brain is passive or active and secondly how the digestive system can best process the nutrients needed to properly nourish the brain. By the way, PHS is an abbreviation for Primary Health System which is a field of study in Human Design.Environment
Below that, on the left (red) side, we find PHS External, or Environment, which tells us what environment (a specific quality of place or circumstance) needs to be present or correct to keep the body healthy. Ra Uru Hu says that this becomes especially important after the Saturn Return (around age 29). In other words, the color and tone tells us whether we are a passive body or an active body - whether we are the observer (relaxed) or the observed (in action). The correct environment is important for everyone and helps us to thrive in the best possible way.Mental Motivation
On the top right-hand side we find RP Internal, or (mental) Motivation, which gives us information about how a person's mind is motivated to conceptualize. As with the other aspects, there are exactly 6 different modes, each of which has 2 different possibilities (active or passive). Here we can recognize whether a mind is strategic (active) or receptive (passive). Since the mind is never an inner authority, this is not about the motivation to do something, but about how the mind understands things - on what basis the mind thinks. This aspect is particularly important for people who have been experimenting for a long time and, according to Ra Uru Hu, is an essential tool for projectors. Incidentally, RP is an abbreviation for Rave Psychology, which is a field of study in human design.Perspective/View
Below this, on the right-hand side, we find RP External, also known as perspective (view), which gives us information about how someone looks into or at the world. Every person has their own unique perspective on things and this aspect basically tells us whether someone is focused or peripheral in their view. Since the mind is coupled with the eyes, it is of course important to see correctly (as oneself). So we again have 6 different ways of looking at the world, each with 2 modes. A focused view tends to see what is in front of it but not what is in the periphery and a peripheral view is exactly the opposite.If you want to learn more about the substructure and the respective aspects, I can recommend my Human Design Guide articles or the Crack Your Code Human Design foundational course.
If you would like to design your own bodygraph and offer it on your business homepage, then we would like to recommend the service that works with. If you register via our link you will support the project through the affiliate program we're part of but without any higher costs. We would be happy if you register via our link and build up your own human design chart business. Just go here "click me" and sign up for a free Trial.
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In a starter reading, I will record a personalized (min.) 45-minute audio file, providing you with essential insights into your Human Design Chart. This reading will be both comprehensive and accessible, allowing you to revisit and benefit from the information over many months. A starter reading will enable you to begin your Human Design Experiment, potentially transforming your life.I WILL BRING YOU CLARITY ABOUT:
• Your Definition: Understanding your open & defined centers, and channels.
• Your Type: Insights into your aura and strategy.
• Your Inner Authority: Learning how to make the right decisions.
• Your Profile: Discovering your life's "costume."
• Special Aspects: Highlighting unique features in your chart.WHAT IS NEEDED:
For a Human Design Basics Reading, you need your exact time, date, and place of birth. If you're unsure of your birth time, your local authority (church, hospital) may assist you. If this doesn't work, please contact me directly.Note: The Reading is possible in English and in German.I am a Mental Projector with a 1/3 Profile and have successfully read over 500 charts with many years of experience. My readings are grounded in the original teachings of Ra Uru Hu and are designed to provide you with actionable insights and a deep understanding of your unique design.
13. January 2024
• Created Interactive Rave Mandala pageThe Interactive Rave Mandala (v.1.0) is a simple but powerful tool that allows you to click through the mandala while quickly and directly recognising the opposition and harmony gates. it also displays the rave i'ching keynote and the subtitle for the gate. For the first-lines among you, the hexagram and chinese symbol is also displayed. Let me know what you think/feel about it!If you want to support bodygraph-io for the free service then donate something on• updated sticky navigation
• fixed wrong logo description
• fixed statistic height
12. January 2024
• Created Facebook Page
• Added FB Icon in Footer
• Fixed Link in PDF Report
• Added Links to Result Text to gain more insight via YouTube
• Added Gate List in the Report (Hexagram, Name, Keynote)
• Changed link in PDF Report
• Created new Content in #Basics regards the 4 Types, their Not-Self and Strategy
• Changed Tooltip for better reading, centered, bigger.
30. December 2024
• Changed Top Menu
• Updated Footer
• Switched Xmas Logo back to original Logo
• Added Products Page
25. July 2024• Created Page for Human Design Starter Readings
• Changed CSS regards Navigation and Banner for better design consistency
• Got rid of "Learn" Link in Navigation
• Changed Logo
• Changed Slogan Text
24. July 2024• Added Reading Link to Homepage
• Added Reading Info to Report
11. July 2024• Free Human Design Report Download Function is working again and shows correct Rave Mandala.
10. July 2024
Because there is a small display error in the new report, it is temporarily not available for download. But don't worry, it will be available again soon. Unfortunately the small bodygraph in the middle of the rave mandala were displayed with the Kiron and Lillith gates which is not correct. So if you have downloaded a report then it may be that the small bodygrpah in the mandala has drawn in wrong gates.Otherwise we have reached the first milestone in the independent human design statistic and have now gathered over 1000 real charts. Thanks for that!More soon.
01. July 2024Today I have been working on various things in the background. Mainly on a new free report (PDF) that you can download. I didn't really like the old one anymore, even though there were a few more words in it. So I've made everything cleaner and clearer and this PDF report should now be available to everyone. You can now find everything there at a glance and no longer have to laboriously take photos of your chart or the information individually with your phone. So that we can save paper, there are only 2 DINA4 pages - for now. I am open to constructive criticism and if you have any ideas, please write to me.Something new is that you can now also see your Rave Mandala in the report! This is especially interesting if you want to take a closer look at your chart or observe the transits (the movement of the planets) in relation to your own chart. I also continue to collect and clean up bodygraph data that you enter so that we can eventually use the interactive LIVE Statistics as a foundation for research. There have also been small changes to make it easier to display on the site. Apart from that I am working on a first newsletter which I would like to send you...Have fun with the new report!• New Report Layout
• Channel Keynotes inserted
• Page CSS Fixes
25. June 2024 #2• Top Bar Blank Link on Education
• Set up Live Record Count in Statistics
• Changed Navigation Button Order
• Changed Profile Color Bars
• Mobile CSS fix of content edge
• Mobile Nav Bar Fix
• Changed Education to Learn
• Put Articles in Top Navigation
• Css Display Fixes Transit Symbols, Gates, Substructure etc.
• Minor Optical Corrections
25. June 2024I wish you a wonderful day. There is good news. Not only has another €5 been donated via, but it gets even better... My API provider wants to support me and so bodygraph will continue to exist for the time being. I'm really happy about that, because I wouldn't have been able to keep it alive financially out of my own pocket for long. The service remains free and we can continue to use it - that's something to celebrate!To mark the occasion, I have a few updates for you. Since I have recently introduced a mandatory email field, which allows to offer its own (anonymous) real-chart statistics for everyone, I have implemented this for you. This means there is now a page that shows you a mostly up-to-date statistic based on real data about Human Design, similar to jovian archive statistics. Currently it shows the types, inner authority and profile distribution. There are still less than 1000 real charts, but this will change soon. The more people use this site, the more accurate a picture we will get and the more independent a study we will have.I've also put together a few basics about Human design to help beginners get to grips with their chart. It is a bit much all at once when you see it for the first time. For me it was like hieroglyphics from ancient Egypt at first. Anyway... there is now a new tab called "Basics" with some illustrations and explanatory text. Every now and then I try to update or expand it.Otherwise there are only minor bugfixes and adjustments.• CSS Fixes
• Front Page Affiliate Banner
• Put FAQ in Top Navigation
• Published Interactive HD Statistics
• Wrote HD Basics Texts
• Prepared other cool things...
18. June 2024I'm working on a few things in the background. I've also fixed a few things on the site again. For example that the transit view is no longer on an external page. The transit tool is available for free.I am also working on a free and independent infographic for chart data, based on real birth data - YOU make this possible by using this tool. Of course, everything remains anonymous. I am happy if you would like to support this project with a monthly fee. You can choose freely and cancel at any time - just click here.I would also like to inform you again that the emails and chart data will be treated absolutely carefully and securely, nothing goes to third parties. The emails will soon receive a newsletter and if you don't like it you can unsubscribe with one click.• Css modification
• Prepared new secret features
• Updated Transit Page
• Updated Affiliate Banner
• Changed top bar navigation
• Created first step for interactie infocharts dashboard____________________________
15. June 2024The first donation was received via, thank you very much. At this point I would like to point out again that the free service of can only be supported if at least 50€ per month are raised, either through donations or through the affiliate bonus via the use of the API. We are also open to ideas and suggestions. Just get in touch with me via the e-mail button!What is planned are a few videos for using the site and expanding the property links (for example, you can click on "Manifesting Generator" and get to a valuable article about it. These articles can also be found via the article button, but some of them are only accessible with a membership on Human Design Guide via Substack. Again, is supported because it flows to the administrator of this site.• Changed Top Navigation for easier access.
• Bug fixes
• Css Animation____________________________
Fri 14. June 2024Now that has been supported completely free of charge by ourHDC (Human Design Non Profit Organization) for 2 years, it's time for a new chapter.Talis, co-founder of the association HDC takes over the responsibility of the project and will use it commercially from now on. This means that in the future it will still be free of charge, but an email address will have to be provided, which will be used for newsletter purposes. these newsletters will send the customer interesting information and product news.It is planned to build an extended version of bodygraphio which needs financial reserves first. currently at least 50EUR per month are needed to keep the project alive. If you would like to support bodygraph with a membership, please do so via - this will make the project financially possible and we will all benefit from it.You can also support this project by signing up if you would like to have your own bodygraph calculator on your homepage.• Article Button added
• Transit Feature added
• Buf Fixes
• Changed FAQ
• Added Property Links
• Got rid of IG & HDC Button
• Added Footer Links
• Changed Thumbnail and Text for SEO
• Added E-Mail Field
• Added Checkbox for Privacy
• Added Donate Button
• Created Ko-Fi Page to support the Project
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